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Brewer Burns

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Very Manly Post

I decided to get serious about knitting Manly last night and finished up the back. What you see above in the especially crappy pictures is the Manly back, all done. And then below my newest knitting notion acquirement: the stitch holder, which is currently holding the live neck stitches on Manly's back. It's so Manly.

I have cast on for the front and everything is proceeding according to plan. Except for the expected yarn famine. Still don't know what my solution for that will be if I finish off the last of my yarn before the yarn store gets more. If anyone out there knows where I can get some lamb's pride worsted in oatmeal quick I would much appreciate the information. Posted by Picasa


At 8:22 PM, Blogger chacha / Jen said...

Have you checked any online stores for the LP Worsted? You can probably find it online if your LYS doesn't get more stock.

It looks like your sweater progress is going well!


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