Teeny Tiny Post
Well, I have no pictures at the moment and not a lot to say but I thought that I would write a teeny tiny post just to keep you all updated. I'm at work and have no pictures, but I have finished the first embossed leaf sock. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain that I don't have enough yarn for the second. I may have to venture into the world of online yarn buying since it could be months before the LYS has more Lorna's Laces, and waiting that long to finish the socks would probably make me want to scream. I NEED Unfinished Objects to become Finished Objects within a reasonable period of time or my mental health is compromised. It's something about reaching into the knitting bag and having to fish around the unfinished sock full of dpn's that sends me over the edge. And I want to wear the socks. I love the socks. I put on the finished sock last night and considered wearing just that one sock to work today. Stephen talked me out of it.
On a sort of non-knitting related topic, I love my laptop. If I could write a commercial for my laptop, and at the same time copy another well known commercial, it would go something like this: laptop: $0 (gift from my parents): Roxio $0 (gift to Stephen from good friend), watching DVD's on laptop in living room while sitting on the couch knitting instead of having to move self and knitting downstairs into the deep freeze of the basement to watch DVD's: priceless. So, that's what I did last night, watched DVD's (now might be a good time to mention that I also love my Netflix subscription) on the couch and finished the sock. A good night.
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