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Brewer Burns

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, the same way that I usually barely make it to midnight on New Year's Eve. But this year, I thought about it a little and decided that maybe I wanted to make a couple. The first one is a two-parter and relates both to personal growth (like most resolutions) and also to the blog. I want to fulfill one of my childhood goals. I've always wanted to be a writer. At first, I wanted to write fiction, and then be a journalist, and finally, by the time I was done with middle school I wanted to write poetry. Obviously, my life has taken a different turn and I now know that even really good poets don't actually make a living writing poetry (with the possible exception of the current U.S. poet laureate, who not only is the poet laureate but also won the pulitzer prize for 2006.) That being said, I would still like to write some poetry and eventually have at least one poem published in a real publication. So, my first new year's resolution is to: 1. write a poem a week 2. submit my poetry, over and over again and 3. hopefully publish at least some of the rejects here. That was a three-parter, wasn't it?

My second resolution is more of a general resolution to make a change in my life. I'm back at work today after having been off for a few days (many of them lost to the flu) and it just makes me sad. I don't want to have to go someplace where I am sad all the time, so I either I need to change my attitude and start loving my job again, or I need to find a new job. I will be working on that.

Do you make new year's resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you have any that you would like to share?


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Glaistig said...

My resolutions:

(1) Be less neurotic and stressed.
(2) Drink less beer.
(3) Be nicer to my husband.
(4) Decide whether to get out of law or not. And/or find a new job. This one = your reflections on your current job. I had time off too and returned to work depressed. Let me know if you have any tips about changing one's attitude. . . .

Hope your flu is over and your poem resolution is great. I know it will happen!


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